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Wild Sky Adventure Guides

Make 2025 A Year Of Adventure!


Wild Sky Adventure Guides offers skill-building and life-affirming experiences by guiding appropriately dosed adventure tours.

Our Mission:

WHY CHOOSE WILD SKY Adventure Guides

Our Mission is to promote the value of adventure in developing resiliency, discipline, risk management, and a positive self-image to the general public. 

We advance an ever-safer practice of swiftwater canyoneering in the Pacific Northwest by offering guided canyoneering challenges and publishing information about safer canyoneering practices.

We seek to strengthen bonds between the international canyoning community and an American audience through offering international adventures challenges, formal training through ICA, and publishing accurate information for travelling canyoneers.

Seattle Adventure Guides Canyoneering Pro-Tips

Social Responsibility:

ONE WORLD: Supporting Education and the Arts in East Africa.

While studying at the University of Washington, Sam Keller, spent a year doing Independent Study in Tanzania East Africa. During that time he became close friends with many artists and young people with big dreams. Since his return he has sold his friends art and raised several thousand dollars towards scholarships and the arts for the friends he made in Tanzania and their families. Find out how Wild Sky Adventure Guides is continuing and expanding on his efforts.

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