
Wild Sky Adventure Guides

Headquarters for Seland Neoprene Solutions

The 2024 Seland Wetsuit Buyers Guide

The 2024 Seland Wetsuit Buyers Guide!

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The Buyers Guide Is The Origin Of The Gear Store.

Welcome to the 2024 Wild Sky Guides Seland Wetsuit Buyers  Guide. 

This Buyers Guide is the product of many months of hard work. When Wild Sky Guides came to the PNW we quickly realized that the community lacked access to canyoning specific wetsuits. They were able to order them online, but without seeing them beforehand they didn’t have confidence they were getting the right size. All of the different options were confusing, we quickly realized that our 26 Seland wetsuits constituted the largest collection of canyoning wetsuits  in Washington State!

Thus the Wild Sky Guides Shop was born!

We are proud to announce that anyone in the USA (Sorry Canada and Mexico) can now order any Seland wetsuit directly from our website and have it mailed express to their house. Arrival time is around 7 days!

Now, onto the buyers guide!

A Brief History Of Seland: Buyers Guide Part 1

The Buyers Guide starts with a brief history of Seland. From their humble beginings sewing surfing wetsuits by hand to a large wetsuit manufacturer with a worldwide reach!

Seland Wetsuit Technology: Buyers Guide Part 2

The second installment aims to demystify all of the different types of technology that Seland uses in their wetsuits. Seland offers a diverse array of wetsuit technologies within its product line, each designed to cater to specific needs and preferences of canyoneers. Understanding the function and purpose of each piece of technology can be daunting, but this article aims to provide clarity on the matter.

Choosing The Right Seland Wetsuit: Buyers Guide Part 3

Since Wild Sky started selling Seland wetsuits we have spoken with many canyoners who are confused about which wetsuit they should buy. This Buyers Guide is our attempt to bring clarity and help people make informed choices. In part one we spoke about the history of Seland. In part 2 we explained the different types of technology used in Seland wetsuits. In part 3 we will give recommendations for choosing the Seland wetsuit that fits your canyoning needs. 

Sizing Your Seland Wetsuit Tips And Tricks: Buyers Guide Part 4

Canyoning wetsuits are a critical piece of safety equipment. By keeping you warm they keep you alive. But, since canyoning is such a niche sport in the US it is hard to get your hands on a Seland Wetsuit before you buy it. In the past this resulted in a lot of guesswork and poorly fitting wetsuits. Our Seland wetsuit sizing guide aims to help you in the decision making process. Suits are expensive, you want to be able to buy with confidence!

Metric Chart for Seland Wetsuits.


Thank you to Nagore and Borja for meeting me at the Seland Headquarters in Urduliz, Pais Vasco. They spent many hours answering lots of my questions about Seland products and history. None of this would have been possible without them. 

Seland  makes very high quality wetsuits, and you should be confident that you are ordering the right size before you buy. Our hope is that this buyers guide helps you to buy with confidence!

PNW Canyoneering Courses!

2024 PNW Canyoneering Course Calendar

The Cascadia Guides Alliance!

The Cascadia Guide  Alliance was formed to promote cooperation in the development and promotion of educational courses between PNW guide services.

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